Curating Good and Great Newsletter For You Newsletter curation by dedenf / Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:56:09 +0000 Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:56:09 +0000 Jekyll v4.3.2 Humble Dollar <p><a href="">Humble dollar</a> is one of the famous blog about finance on the internet, even thought in my opinion sometimes the contents are where the retirement wrote an article (or more), the contributors quite varied, and the contents are awesome.</p> <p>I have been following (and subscribing) Humble Dollar newsletter, i learn so much, here are some of the posts that have to save to my Pocket app, for me to reread in case the origin site was broken or defunct.</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Illusions of safety</a></li> <li><a href="">Rebalancing</a></li> <li><a href="">Carlson’s way</a></li> <li><a href="">You lose, they gain</a></li> </ul> <p>The founder, <a href="">Jonathan Clements</a> is often do some podcasting with many podcast channel, like <a href="">this one with Morning Star</a>.</p> <p>Head out to <a href="">Humble Dollar blog</a> for more content, and also subscribing to their newsletter.</p> Mon, 16 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 /humble-dollar/ /humble-dollar/ Reading Under the Radar by Cassie Gutman <p>Even though i love reading books, but to read and finish it in a week is another level, not to mention to browse new books, planning which book i would like to read.</p> <p>But Cassie Gutman, did amazing, not just read the book, which were not a mainstream books, that’s also another level, in what earth he can find those books!</p> <p>He will send a book recommendation once a week through his newsletter.</p> <p>To be honest, when i browse the archives, a lot of the books were not familiar, never see the books, but i would love to read one, living here, not easy to find imported books, but we do have many independent book publisher, that also helps me to find <em>unconventional</em> books of <em>under the radar</em>.</p> <p><a href="">Please subscribe to Reading Under the radar</a></p> Thu, 12 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 /reading-under-the-radar-by-cassie-gutman/ /reading-under-the-radar-by-cassie-gutman/ One Word by Taegan Maclean <p>I love documentaries, from science, history, cars, travel and so an everyday life documentary, sometimes i watched some other people’s vlog, where they documented their life, curated vlog of course, Youtube filled with strange things.</p> <p>This particular documentary served in a format of newsletter, and that is awesome.</p> <p>The video, always tells with story, a one word with a story, not just on the video, but on the newsletter itself, filled with words, a story telling, i always admired people with this creativity, crafting their words, shaping their stories, the newsletter created by Taegan Maclean.</p> <p>This newsletter and its story, <a href="">Woodbine</a>, tells about his dad’s life, to which it hits home, i wish i had those videos or photos of my dad, me and him. I love the editing, and the story.</p> <p>Other post is about his <em>Path</em>, its journey, life on the road, transportation, train station (i’m all for train and train station!).</p> <p><a href="">Subscribe to One Word</a>.</p> Wed, 11 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 /1-one-word-by-taegan-maclean/ /1-one-word-by-taegan-maclean/ Listening Sessions By Robert C. Gilbert <p>Not just for gadgets or electronic, or even a car that needs a review, or some might will delve into the details it, and made some comments.</p> <p>Listening Sessions is not quite different, imo, and this is about music, the writer put this as a long-form essay about music, artists, and anything in between, the contents are superb, very detail, the artist or music history, and writer’s own take about the music.</p> <p>Just try to read piece about <a href="">Miles Davis</a>, or <a href="">Simon &amp; Garfunkel</a></p> <p>Very much enjoying the newsletter!</p> <p><a href="">Subscribe to Listening Sessions</a></p> Fri, 20 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 /listening-sessions-by-Robert-Gilbert/ /listening-sessions-by-Robert-Gilbert/ The Why Axis <p>Data are fun, and data don’t lie, this newsletter in particular, has a lot of data to show, from what we tought is important to something that might be <a href="">unimportant for some</a> people, and <a href="">Christopher Ingraham</a> explain it perfectly, love it.</p> <p><a href="">Subscribe to The Why Axis</a></p> Sat, 12 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /the-why-axis/ /the-why-axis/ Animation Obsessive <p>I love movies, live action or animation, Animation or in my preference is anime, is one of the genre i’ve been watching quite often, and this newsletter explain a lot of things about animation, around the world.</p> <p><a href="">subscribe Animation Obsessive</a></p> Fri, 11 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /animation-obsessive/ /animation-obsessive/ MT Capital Research <p>This newsletter breakdown and give a lot of insight about the company in a single post, i love how MT Capital Research explain how the tech companies works, how the company run their business, how the operate, and a lot more.</p> <p>The explanation is not too research-y, can understand by mere human, and it can help an average investor to decide their investment idea.</p> <p><a href="">Subscribe to MT Capital Research</a></p> Thu, 10 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /mt-capital-investment/ /mt-capital-investment/ On Repeat by Kevin Alexander <p>This newsletter tells about music, about history, about culture. Kevin’s storytelling also great, he sometimes do some break down about songs, and <a href="">what his take</a> about that song.</p> <p>Please subscribe to <a href="">On Repeat by Kevin Alexander</a>.</p> Wed, 09 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /on-repeat-by-kevin-alexander/ /on-repeat-by-kevin-alexander/ Ruth Reichl La Briffe <p>Even though the newsletter roughly 3 months old, but i’m getting quite a lot of value, since a lot cooking also, Ruth put a lot of effort to make this newsletter.</p> <p>And there’s more than “just” recipe, she’s <a href="">a great storyteller</a>, i love it!</p> <p>Head out and <a href="">subscribe to La Briffe newsletter</a>!</p> Tue, 08 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /Ruth-Reichl-La-Briffe/ /Ruth-Reichl-La-Briffe/ Alpha Letter <p>This is mainly focusing on US Stock market, and what happened in US, but there’s a lot of other stuff that I considered still applicable in other countries, article like “<a href="">How to retire in five years</a>”, or might be this, “<a href="">Your Nine To Five Is A Massive Risk</a>”, and also other articles about stock investing amongst other market take, the paid tier has some stock picking feature.</p> <p>Please subscribe to <a href="">Alpha Letter newsletter</a>.</p> Mon, 07 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /alpha-letter/ /alpha-letter/ Lance <p>This is a much needed newsletter, written by Anna Codrea-Rado, i need this type of newsletter, <em>well</em>, at least for me, with the jobs, life, and everything in between, and how we maintain life without the feeling of burnout? <a href="">this article for instance</a>, it asked me to contemplate about my job and work.</p> <p>Please subscribe to <a href="">Lance Newsletter</a>.</p> Fri, 04 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /lance/ /lance/ We Can Fix It <p>This is a fun newsletter, <a href="">We Can Fix It</a>, Kim Nicholas brought a lot of view, take, opinions regarding climate change, where we are, and what we can do about it, some with a <a href="">nice delivery and picture</a>!</p> Fri, 25 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /we-can-fix-it/ /we-can-fix-it/ The Better Letter <p><a href="">The Better Letter by Bob Seawright</a>, he’s a CIO (chief investment officer) at <a href="">Madison Avenue Securities</a>, which specialized on broker dealer and also investment advisory firm, he has vast knowledge in many areas, and enjoyed his writings on substack.</p> <p>I like the <a href="">Crash Protection</a> post, and the new one <a href="">F You Money</a>, which asked people how much money is enough? and in what number we can say that? and then we freely pursuit other thing because money is, F*** You.</p> Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /the-better-letter/ /the-better-letter/ Dinner: A love story <p>Dinner: A Love Story By <a href="">Jenny Rosenstrach</a>, has unique storytelling, not just putting the recipe and done, but also presenting her craft using the story behind it, story how the food was cooked, it’s like reading someone’s diary, love it.</p> <p>The story I’ve saved on my Pocket</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Three things – A one-bowl-one-skillet dinner, vegetable-forward thinking, a helpful mantra</a></li> <li><a href="">Three things – Mindful lunches, stress-free family dinners, a cool egg trick I never knew!</a></li> </ul> <p>She published not only about food &amp; cooking, she also wrote about books, tips and other topic.</p> Wed, 09 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /dinner-a-love-story/ /dinner-a-love-story/ Investment Talk <p>I Followed this <a href="">newsletter</a>, got a lot of insight and very much enjoying how Conor wrote his posts, Market Talk segment is impressive, even though I lived in a different part of the world, but still learn so much.</p> <p>Recenty, <a href="">Conor announced</a> that he probably will not be as active (or more active) writing his stuff, we’ll wait for that, and in the meantime we can enjoy previous posts on his <a href=""></a> page.</p> <p>If you enjoy investing, especially in stock market, <a href="">Please do subscribe, it is worth it</a>.</p> Tue, 08 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /investment-talk-by-conor-macneil/ /investment-talk-by-conor-macneil/ A Wealth of Common Sense <p>This is a premier post from <strong><em>This is a Good Newsletter</em></strong>, and since i’m a big fan of personal finance theme, also fans of Ben Carlson posts on his blog, and also his <a href="">podcast</a>.</p> <p>He served his newsletter on his own platform, his blog, if you were interested with his contents, please subscribe there.</p> <h4 id="few-of-my-favorite-content-from-ben-carlson">Few of my favorite content from <a href="">Ben Carlson</a></h4> <ul> <li><a href="">20 Rules of Personal Finance</a></li> <li><a href="">The Difference Between a Portfolio Manager &amp; Portfolio Management</a></li> <li><a href="">How to Create a Disciplined Investment Plan</a></li> <li><a href="">What Kind of Investor Are You?</a></li> <li><a href="">The Stock Market Doesn’t Care About You</a></li> <li><a href="">The 5 Types of Investors In This Market</a></li> </ul> <p>And of course, many of his newer posts, i enjoyed much of his work, simple and not to institutional (since he work at <a href="">Ritholtz Wealth Management</a>).</p> Mon, 07 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 /a-wealth-of-common-sense-by-ben-carlson/ /a-wealth-of-common-sense-by-ben-carlson/ About <p><strong>JakartaDev</strong> – dibangun 2016, dengan ide untuk menjadikan informasi tentang dunia <em>development</em> dari mulai programming, database, devops dan lainnya. dan juga kadang berisi artikel yang ditulis sendiri. Newsletter tentang development, terkadang diselipin oleh berita tech yang terkait.</p> <p>Artikel, links, ulasan, dikurasi oleh <a href="">@dedenf</a>. (ada yang mau kontribusi?)</p> <p>Untuk content, akan dicoba diupdate (hampir) setiap hari.</p> <p>Tautan ke artikel yang dipublis di sini hasil kumpulan dari browsing, tautan di situs engineering, newsletter yang saya ikuti, saya subscribe banyak <a href="">rss feed, dan menggunakan Reeder</a> untuk membaca (Link ke <a href="">OPML</a>).</p> <h3 id="acknowledgement">Acknowledgement</h3> <p>jakartaDEV menggunakan Jekyll sebagai blogging engine, dan menggunakan <a href="">jekyll-now</a> sebagai theme dasar, dengan kostumasi seadanya.</p> <p>jakartaDEV repo disimpan di <a href="https://"></a>, dan menggunakan <del>fitur Github Pages</del> <a href="">Netlify</a> untuk mem-<em>publish</em> website ini.</p> <p><del>Menggunakan cloudflare sebagai DNS server dan fitur SSL-nya untk https</del> Sekarang untuk mengatur DNS dan juga menggunakan SSL certificate menggunakan let’s encrypt, yang merupakan feature dari <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>saya juga mencoba newsletter service dari subsctack di<a href=""></a></p> <h3 id="contact">Contact</h3> <p>dedenf[at] atau dedenf[at]</p> /_pages/about/ About <div class="row justify-content-between"> <div class="col-md-8 pr-5"> <p>This blog intended to be a personal journey, about finding a good and really good content, and since there's a lot of format, from tweets, blogs, and now, newsletter.</p> <!-- <p class="mb-5"><img class="shadow-lg" src="/assets/images/mediumish-jekyll-template.png" alt="jekyll template mediumish" /></p> --> <img src="/assets/images/kane-reinholdtsen-LETdkk7wHQk-unsplash.jpg" alt="" /> <p>Finding good newsletter sometime tiresome, and for that, i'm trying to curating lots of newsletter out there, and probably there's one which suited you, and do please enjoy</p> <p>I do enjoy quite a lot of newsletter, from Technology, Development, self-help, finance, environment or anything that interest me, internet is awesome</p> <p>If you have any question, or inquiry, please email me at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p> </div> </div> /about/ Colophon <p><img src="/images/pat-krupa-CJGBPvTKykU-unsplash.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>Source code hosted at <a href="">Github page</a>, see <a href="">my repo here</a>, feel free to fork, enhance, etc, and Github will take care the rest. I use <a href="">Ruby Jekyll</a> blogging engine.</p> <p>Written using <a href="">Visual Code Studio</a>, Website hosted at <a href="">Netlify</a>.</p> <h3 id="ack">Ack</h3> <p>CSS Styling and design using <a href="">Pixyll</a> with couple custom style.</p> /colophon/ Say Hello <div class="py2"> <form id="my-form" class="form-stacked"> <label for="email">Email</label><br /> <input id="email" type="email" name="email" class="field-light" placeholder="[email protected]" required /> <div data-sk-error="email"></div> <textarea type="text" name="text" class="field-light" rows="5" placeholder="What would you like to say?" style="resize: vertical" required></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="_next" value="/thanks/" /> <input type="hidden" name="_subject" value="New submission!" /> <input type="text" name="_gotcha" style="display:none" /> <button type="submit" class="button button-blue button-big mobile-block">Say Hello</button> </form> <script>||function(){(sk.q=sk.q||[]).push(arguments)}; sk('form', 'init', { id: '6a7084e37439', element: '#my-form' }); </script> <script defer src=""></script> </div> /contact/ Reading <hr class="half-width"> {% for post in site.posts %} {% if post.type == "link" %} <article class=''> {% if %} <time class='grayish'>{{ | date: '%B %-d, %Y' }} &mdash; <a href='{{ post.url }}'>link to the post</a></time> <h2 class='c-post__title'><a href='{{ }}'>{{ post.title }} &rarr;</a></h2> {% else %} <div class='mb2'> <h1 class='m0'><a href='{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}'>{{ post.title }}</a></h1> <time class='grayish'>{{ | date: '%B %-d, %Y' }} &mdash; {% include read-time.html %}</time> </div> {% endif %} {% if post.summary %} {% if post.image.teaser %} <a href="{{ site.github.url }}{{ post.url }}"><img src="{{ site.github.url }}/images/{{ post.image.teaser }}"></a> {% endif %} {{ post.summary | markdownify }} <a href='{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}/'>Continue reading &rarr;</a> {% else %} {% if post.layout != post %} {% assign words = post.content | strip_html | number_of_words %} {% if post.page_type != "long" %} {% if words > 100 %} {{ post.excerpt }} <a href="{{ site.github.url }}{{ post.url }}">Read more &rarr;</a><br><br> {% else %} {{ post.excerpt }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ post.excerpt }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if post %} {% assign tags = post.tags %} {% else %} {% assign tags = page.tags %} {% endif %} <div> Tag{% if post.tags.size > 1 %}s{% endif %}: {% for tag in tags %} <a href="/tags#{{tag|slugize}}">{{tag}}</a>{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %} {% endfor %} </div> </article> <hr class='half-width'/> {% endif %} {% endfor %} /my-reading Style Guide At [Aspire Themes]( I use a lot of tools to help me create WordPress, Ghost and Jekyll themes. 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